Bahama Palm Shores Community News

AB 20952 Marsh Harbour, Abaco Bahamas

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Road Work Saturday

Volunteer work opportunity:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Please show up at the firehouse 8:30 AM for road work.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Minutes of Board of Director's Meeting Feb. 18 2013

Palm Shores Owners Association (PSOA)

Board Meeting


High Banks Volunteer Fire Service Building

The Palm Shores Owner Association (PSOA) board of Directors met at the High Banks Volunteer Fire Service building on Monday February 18, 2013, 7:00 PM. Present were officers and directors LEO BETHEL, ANITA KNOWLES, NATHANIA LEWIS, SANDRA ALBURY , DONNIE WOODS, FRANK CROFT and JAKE JACOBSON. President Leo Bethel apologized for the absence of Irene Lowe and Luc Lavallee.

Welcome- President, Leo Bethel welcomes members of the new board and commenced THE meeting.

Status on the Legalization of PSOA- Leo Bethel has met and corresponded with Isaac Collie, the new lawyer for the PSOA, who has a copy of the resolution signed by the old board FROM 2008.

The resolution has been sealed and forwarded to the Registry and MBH has stamped copy.

Leo Bethel sent an email to MBH (MCKINNEY, BANCROFT & HUGHES) to get files for Isaac Collie but , MBH is charging $362.00 as a transfer fee. Collie feels the fee is too high. Leo Bethel is negotiating with MBH.

New Signatures and Bank Forms- Leo Bethel is in communication with Commonwealth Bank who has informed him that the procedures for signatures and bank forms were changed in 2012. Commonwealth Bank informed Mr. Bethel that they contacted the old board in reference to the change and the requirements needed for new procedure. The old board does not recall any communication with the Commonwealth Bank. The Bank is requiring a copy of Certificate of Incorporation for the association and a letter of good standing from the registrar, before proceeding to change the signatories on the PSOA account.

Audit of Accounts- The accounts have only been audited once in ten years, which according to the articles of association should have been done every year. Anyone with a good knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting can do it. Leo Bethel opened the floor for discussion in approaching someone to audit the accounts. Verbal agreement was made for Leo Bethel to speak with Reginald Sands, who needs THE paper trail FOR THE accounts before auditing can be done or before he can give a price on auditing the accounts. Mr. Bethel will try to access as much paper trail as he can for the auditing to begin. Jake Jacobson suggested in house for auditing books. Board agreed to contact Lauren Riviere whose sister is a CPA for her feedback, but after further discussion it was decided to only contact Mr. Sand, as Ms. Riviere sister does not reside on the island and Mr. Sands does.

Ensure all applicable paper work has been turned over- Leo Bethel is fairly certain that he has gotten all the paper work for the past 2 years (2011 to 2012) and is going to work with whatever he has received from the old board. I.e. the bank statements to try and reconstruct a proper audit trail.

The Treasurer cannot locate cheque book for the last 2 years. New board needs proper paper trails for balancing the accounts.

Don Woods expense of bus stop at southern entrance- Mr. Gore Flynn mentioned at the AGM in January 2013 that $1,000.00 was budgeted for Don Woods for payment for construction of the bus stop at southern entrance. Don Woods stated the he would not want to take monies out of the kitty. He proposed to put the eight hundred dollars he spent towards his dues. All was in agreement to apply the payment towards his dues. This being a special project.

Dump- Discussion of the budget for 2013, $1,700.00 was allotted for the dump.

Board agrees to leave the funds in the budget because the dump is in an acceptable condition at this present time. Board will revisit the condition of the dump in the summer.

Road works start asap/ appoint chairman and committee- Earl Bethel and Jimmy Key have been doing and excellent job patching the holes in the northern and southern entrances. Bruce Smith has been patching the holes through the main entrance and his road.

In an open discussion it was unanimously voted that Jake Jacobson, who volunteered, would be the chairman of the road works committee. It was also unanimously decided to ask Earl Bethel and Jimmy Key to serve on any committee for the road works.

Announcement of New Board in The Abaconian- Board agrees to announce the new board in The Abaconian, a picture will be taken, BY Jennifer Hudson.

Beautification of Both Entrance + Bus Stops, Plants in Memory of Late Residents- Some of the ladies of Bahama Palm Shores have volunteered to donate plants and labor for beautification of both entrances and bus stops. PSOA is grateful for the gesture and thinks it's an excellent idea.

Any Other Business-The Board voted to hold an open forum twice per year for the properties owners of Bahama Palm Shores.

Ask Jimmy key to procure 2 quotes for 4-5 truckloads of quarry fill for road works in bps.

Board agrees to ask Administrator Smith and local government representatives Jackie Estevez and John Hudson to notify PSOA board of any permits for building applications going up in Bahama Palm Shores. Sandra Albury will also check with the town planning committee chairman for notification of new buildings going up in Bahama Palm Shores.

Next Meeting Date- Set for Monday March 4th, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Located at the firehouse.

Adjournment- Leo Bethel adjourned meeting at approximately 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nathania Lewis, Secretary

Monday, February 11, 2013

Membership Contributions for 2013 Due

Annual membership contributions are due and payable to the following address:

Palm Shores Owners Association
PO Box AB-20952
Marsh Harbour, Abaco

Suggested amount is $150. Your contribution will be used to mow verges, fill potholes, maintain the dump, and other activities to keep Bahama Palm Shores safe and attractive.

You may also give your check to one of the new board members: Leo Bethel, Anita Knowles, Nathania Lewis, Irene Lowe, Sandra Albury, Luc Lavallee, Frank Croft, or Donnie Woods.

Thank you!

PSOA Elects New Directors

On February 3, 2013, the following Bahama Palm Shores residents were elected to the Board of Directors:

Leo Bethel, President
Anita Knowles , Vice President
Nathania Lewis, Secretary
Irene Lowe, Treasurer
Sandra Albury, Frank Croft, Jake Jacobson, Luc Lavallee, and Donnie Woods, Directors


Annual General Meeting Minutes

FEBRUARY 3, 2013, by Secretary Janene Roessler

The Annual General Meeting of the Palm Shores Owners Association (PSOA) was held on Saturday, February 2nd, 2013, 4:00 PM, at the High Banks Fire House, with approximately 55 people in attendance. A delicious potluck followed the meeting.
Secretary’s report by Janene Roessler and Treasurer’s report by Luc Lavallee were both approved as presented. Total revenues for fiscal year 2012 were $9,479.54, with 63 property owners contributing. Expenditures totaled $5,616.30.
President Steve Roessler Roessler called on Bruce Smith, of the High Banks Volunteer Fire Department, to give a report  on status of the fire house. The department serviced four fires during the year, which included a house fire at Crossing Rocks. The fire house has been used numerous times during the year for community functions. Funds from local government and from fundraising at the Christmas Festival in Marsh Harbour will be used to complete septic and plumbing. President Roessler summarized volunteer work on road repair and clearing firebreaks during the winter months. Bus stop shelters at both entrances have been funded by local government and constructed by volunteers. Jimmy Key’s  work  in mowing verges and maintaining the tractor was commended.
Prior to further action, Director Gore Flynn asked for a motion from the audience to permit, only for the current meeting, that all persons present, whether paid members of PSOA or not, be allowed to vote, as long as they own property at Bahama Palm Shores.  Motion passed.
The issue of the legal status of Palm Shores Owners Association (PSOA) was presented by Director Gore Flynn. Under the Companies Act of 1992, annual fees are required to the Registrar. These fees had not been paid for the years 2009-2012. Mr. Flynn presented three options : 1) Pay all past registration and legal fees to reinstate status. 2) Reorganize a re-named owner’s association under the Non-Profit Association Act of 1992. 3) Disband the existing PSOA and operate informally. After discussion, member Bill Bruce moved that the association follow option one.  Motion was seconded by Steve Gutman.  After further discussion, vote was called by Bill Rawls. The audience approved the call to vote. The majority voted in favor of the motion, with 7 opposed.
Proposed budget for 2013: With projected membership of 70, revenues are projected to be $10,500. Ongoing operational expenditures are projected to be $9,140. Restoring the legal status of PSOA will require expenditures of reserves in the amount of $2400. Motion to approve the budget passed by majority vote.
The nominating committee presented the following candidates for the board of directors: Leo Bethel, President; Anita Knowles , Vice President; Nathania Lewis, Secretary; Irene Lowe, Treasurer; Sandra Albury, Frank Croft, Jake Jacobson, Luc Lavallee, and Donnie Woods, Directors.  There being no nominations from the floor, the above candidates were unanimously approved by voice vote from the audience.
The new officers and directors took charge, thanked the audience for their support, and adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Janene Roessler, Secretary 2011-2012